Saturday, 18 March 2017

Augment Reality for Education

Augment reality in recent times playing huge role in education sector because of the 3D visualization of any object. 
Earlier content generated text book materials are provided in the education which students learn without understanding it rightly. Even though classroom teaching available after session students doesn’t remember it in a perfect way as it’s thought in the sessions. Later video based session where recorded but again it’s monotonous which doesn’t have a big results in learning.
Despite of this content based text book and teacher classroom session students are lacked very much in concept of the subject which is thought. Now things are changed instead of reading 5 pages content a smart technology where students can visualize it and interact with it.
Interactive application has best result in concept learning. Here Augment reality plays the major role where interactive things can be created on particular topics which students can learn very easily. Very complex subject topics can be learnt very simple with less time.
Subjects can be an engineering subject or medical subject or play school everything can be created in a concept based learning. Today many companies or individual are trying to built products in Augment reality for education where a huge prospectus. Since future is all above interactive applications.
How augment reality Application works?
To use Augment reality application you need a latest Smartphone where you have to install the respective Augment reality mobile application, once your open the app camera feature will be accessed and will ask to scan a image. This image is the target images which app will identify and present 3D visualize of the scan images which can be view 360 Degree. The 3D object can be moved, zoomed, text pop and many more can be done.
Some of the best things of Augment reality application for Education are
1.      Students can interact with the objects can learn easily how process works. They can gain better understanding of the objects.
2.      The objects can be accessed any type of devices like Smartphone, tablets, iPad etc in home, classroom and even in any place they wish to learn.
3.      Higher retention of knowledge for students. For example suppose they are studying about “Dinosaur” if they scan dinosaur image 3D image of dinosaur appears, not only this they can click to know more about it history through web links, video and etc
4.      3D objects of chemistry, physics, botany or any other engineering subjects can be created and can be made interactive through Augment Reality development.
5.      Cheaper Augment reality application with best learning facility for education specially. 
#mindnotix #augment #reality #application #development

Mobile App for Business

Companies today using Mobile Application Technology as a main source for business process control and tracking solutions. Even a ERP or any other software in place it doesn’t give right way of tracking the operations. Since few processes are not traceable due to software incapability to provide instant data to control. To make your ERP best enterprise application adds mobile app solutions to it. Else the existing system is only data generating application which perform very less and you pay high. 
Some of the ways mobile app can add value to your existing Enterprise app are
1.      Warehouse workers can be given with a voice based support mobile app installed in tablet. They can instantly record what activities are carries in the warehouse. They can also raise voice based commands while moving inventory from one department to another. Each worker activity can be tracked to manufacturing fault avoid issues.
2.      Salesperson Mobile App application development is one of the best app for any company since understanding client requirement to avoid multiple discussion. Quotes and other details can be instantly made available to convince clients. Sales person can avoid multiple calls but can get information in a single touch in mobile app.
3.      GPS enable mobile app to track the logistics moving and delays happening can be tracked. Live Monitoring can be done through Mobile App.
4.      Instant chat option can help the sales, workers or employees can communicate with the subordinates and superior officers. Also all the instruction will be recorded. Avoiding unnecessary calls among the employee can reduce call cost.
5.      Alerts and notifications are important features in mobile app development. This feature will help to get more important information to mobile app or any important information can be passed to individual or a group or as whole. Individual can create alert which will automatically give remainders to the individuals.
Mobile App integration is the best way for your manufacturing companies. It will help you as business owner to track complete information in your mobile. Also it will help to reduce cost to the company.
#mindnotix #mobile #app #android #ios #ERP #software
To add Mobile Application to your ERP reach us

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Things to remembered before Building your Mobile Applications Development

As per today market trends Mobile Application Development seem to be best interface that connects any business owner to his customer and his employee. Yes, Mobile Application Development has huge success rate in reaching your potential target crowd. Live updates make you to understand what customer is looking far and also there experience in using your services.
But before developing any mobile application what all the things, you have to be aware on following
1.      Ask yourself, what is the purpose of your Mobile application development?
2.      Who are your target users? Your employee or your customers
3.      Does similar kind of application exist in the markets?
4.      If yes, Then why they need to use your mobile app?
5.      If you are building for your employee, then how secured it’s going to be?
6.      How you will update information in your mobile app regularly?
7.      In what language you are planning for backend system
8.      Whether you want to build android application or IOS application or both?
9.      What will be total users of app, whether your mobile app can handle it?
10.  What if the app got crashed while using it?
11.  What type of server you are planning to host your applications?
12.  Right vendor for your application development, How to choose and assess?
13.  How you will promote app?
Answer to the above question will give best results since it’s the most common scenario happen in mobile application development. I will answer with my experience in those questions.
1.      Purpose of Mobile application is very important since after development you should not force customer to download and use it. Mobile app built should solve its purpose. If it’s built for enterprise then app should not created a new issues rather than solving existing issues.
2.      Target uses are important factor since based on that Mobile app has to be planned in more simpler and elegant way. Built a app which has very limited screen with maximum user functionalities. App target user may be educated or uneducated they should easily under the flow of applications.
3.      If application already exists in the market then you have think how better and efficiently you can offer your services through mobile app. What all benefits customer will get while using your mobile app.
4.      Make it simple and easy then your competitors
5.      Security is the important aspects for Mobile application built within an organization. Complete tracking and validating mechanism has to be incorporated for important mobile application activities.  Each user log information has to be stored, if unnecessary access tried app account has to be locked. Provision of sharing will be disabled for important information’s.
6.      If regular updates use app store to install and update it. User will get notification when update is required.
7.      Backed system is important for dynamic updating apps and controlling mobile applications. Choose php mysql or any other language.
8.      Based on the target user you can plan whether you need android or IOS or both. Always at initial stage go with android development and web system for first time launch. Once you successfully launch when user started using it there will be a user end bugs and other issues. After a successful android application working among user plan your IOS app. It will avoid lot of reworks and cost
9.      Total user, app crash this all real time issues which you have to ensure with development team to get support.
10.  Choosing a right vendor for your application development will be not based on whether he will develop or whether he has experience. It’s based on how he is going to give support to you after development and launch. Whether vendor has any additional cost for the support.
11. Promoting your app is the high priority thing after development. You should have a marketing plan and digital marketers to promote your app to get downloads.
Still you have doubt to implement your mobile app contact with us.
#mindnotix #mobile #application #development #ideas #plan #augment #android #ios #tips