Thursday 19 November 2015

DO I Need Mobile APP ?

We live in Tech Era where Technology is everything. Without Technology Business growth is another Challenge. Today whenever a business is planned the first thing comes into a mind is " We need a Website First".
Why this question is arises? its simple and straight because we need a visibility on internet. Internet a most common utility needed similar electricity and water. Right from the morning we woke up to End of the Day we go to Bed, we have been driven by internet technology forces for every activity we do. Dependency over it is another way you can say that.  Now most important is website for a Company. Why its needed ? What type of Visibility ?
Solutions is everyone think Google or other search answer better for demands so whatever services they are looking for, they search Google or any other search Engine which will list certain website which offer services they needed. But question arises to website alone is needed for my business ?
A businessman has been asked by Sales Representative "Sir, I Think You need a Mobile app Developed for your business ". He replied  " No, I have a website which Mobile Friendly then why i need to develop a Mobile App for the Same ". 
This is the most common answer comes from most business person and individuals. If So, I have a list of questions to you
1. Do your Mobile friendly website can help you check Visitor Behaviour ?
2.Can User can Access your products in website when Offline ?
3. Can You Connect with your mobile user regularly ?
4. Can You send Notification to you visitor regularly on recent events ?
5. Does your Mobile Site has Better User Experience ?
6.  Your Mobile Site has limited  Access on Geo-locations 
7. When did your customer took a photo from your website
8. Does Your Mobile Site has all features to make interaction with Visitor and keep them engaged
9. Does your Mobile Site Can tell your customers product purchase Experiences
So we can list many such question, But Yes we can have all the above features live interaction and Track your Visitor/customers through Mobile App Development for your company.  What all benefits I can get from Mobile App Developments.
1.You can reach new customers and can engage existing customers with interactive features inside the App.
2. Mobile App will create a LIVE connection between you and your potential customers/visitors
3. You can showcase your products and services
4. Streamline your Business to next level by understanding customer current demands 
5. Paid Adds, in-app purchases and monetizing the App for additional incomes
6. Your on-click away from your potential customers
7. Can Create Best User Experience and you can get your user GEO-Locations.
We can Add more things as listed, to list the benefits of having Mobile App for your business. Now comes the cost you might think its a expensive way to build Mobile App than a Mobile Site. But its a one time investment with Best ROI.

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